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Self Simulated First Demo Is Available

2nd Law Games Releases Demo for Self Simulated the Fast-paced action platformer for the Game Boy Color

Fans of retro gaming and indie titles, get ready to immerse yourself in the exciting world of Self Simulated, the latest game from indie developer Martin Gauer at 2nd Law Games. Gauer has just released the first demo of his highly anticipated action platformer for the original Game Boy Color, offering players a preview of the intense gameplay and captivating storyline.

In Self Simulated, players take on the role of a character who wakes up with no memories and receives a startling revelation: they have recently died and their consciousness has been transferred into a robot body. To fully sync with their new form, players must navigate through a complex facility filled with obstacles and hostile enemy robots. Along the way, they will experience flashbacks and strange occurrences, raising questions about their past and the true nature of their current situation.

One of the most exciting aspects of Self Simulated is its fusion of old and new gameplay elements. While the game is played on the classic Game Boy Color platform, it boasts fast-paced action and precise platforming that will appeal to modern gamers. The game also features one-hit enemy combat, adding a level of intensity and challenge to the gameplay. To ensure maximum enjoyment, the game includes an instant level reload feature that eliminates any frustration that may arise from difficult levels.

In addition to its engaging gameplay, Self Simulated offers players the chance to tailor the game to their individual skill level. With assist settings available, players can adjust the overall difficulty of the game to suit their preferences and abilities. This feature makes Self Simulated suitable for players of all levels, from beginners to seasoned gamers.

The demo for Self Simulated is now available for free on 2nd Law Games’ itch.io page. Players can choose to play directly in their web browser or download the ROM for use on emulators or real devices with a flashcard. This convenient and user-friendly release allows players to easily access the game and experience the thrill of Self Simulated.

Fans of the Game Boy Color, mark your calendars for February 2025, the official release date of the full version of Self Simulated. Get ready to relive the nostalgia of classic gaming with a modern twist as you embark on an adventure like no other. Self Simulated will be available exclusively on the Game Boy Color platform, making it a must-have for collectors and avid gamers alike.

With its intriguing storyline, challenging gameplay, and diverse features, Self Simulated is set to be a hit in the world of indie gaming. Stay updated on the latest news and developments by following 2nd Law Games on social media and don’t miss your chance to experience this exciting game for yourself.

Are you ready to test your skills and uncover the mysteries of Self Simulated?

Play the demo now and gear up for the full release in February 2025!

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